Frequent Questions
Get in touch with us and let us give efficient answers to all your requirements and needs.
Who are eligible to be Popular Bank clients?
Any Natural or Legal Person that does not declare taxes in the Republic of Panama.
Current Accounts
1. What is the minimum amount to open a Current Account?
The minimum amount to open a Current Account for a Natural Person is US$3,000.00 and for companies is US$4,000.00.
2. Can I draw checks from my current account?
No, you can make money transfers or payment orders by Cashier´s Checks
3. Does my current account earn interests?
Yes, maintaining an average monthly available balance according to what is indicated in the current service tariff. The interest rate is periodically reviewed.
4. What is the minimum average balance so that my account does not generate a Service Charge?
You must maintain an average monthly balance of US$2,000.00 for personal accounts and US$3,000.00 for corporate accounts.
5. When is an account considered inactive?
For an account to be considered inactive, 6 (six) months must have elapsed since the last transaction, either debit or credit ordered by the holders or by a third party. From this point on, you will be charged a monthly Service Fee until the inactive condition changes.
Savings Accounts
1. What is the minimum amount to open a Savings Account?
The minimum amount to open a Savings Account for a Natural Person is US$500.00 and for companies is US$1,000.00.
2. Can I request payment orders by Cashier’s Checks from my Savings Account?
No, only by internal or by international transfers
3. Does my Savings Account earn interests?
Yes, maintaining an average monthly available balance equal or higher to US$100.00. The interest rate is periodically reviewed.
4. What is the minimum average balance so that my Savings Account does not generate a Service Charge?
You must maintain an average monthly balance of US$100.00.
5. When is a Savings Account considered inactive?
For a Savings Account to be considered inactive, 6 (six) months must have elapsed since the last transaction, either debit or credit ordered by the holders or by a third party. From this point on, you will be charged a monthly Service Fee until the inactive condition changes.
Certificates of Fixed-term Deposits
1. What is the minimum amount to open a Fixed-term Deposit?
The minimum amount to open a fixed-term deposit is US$10,000.00.
International Transfers
1. What information should I provide to receive an international money transfer?
You could channel the receipt of your international transfers through the following correspondents:
J.P. Morgan | Wachovia | Citibank | Bank of New York | Bank of America |
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2. What requirements do I need to complete to send an international money transfer?
– Intermediary Bank (if known).
– Name and complete address and SWIFT code of the Intermediary Bank (if known).
– Beneficiary Bank.
– Name, complete address, and SWIFT code of the Beneficiary Bank.
– Account number of the beneficiary.
– Complete name and address of the Beneficiary.
– Details of the payment and complementary information of the payment to be made, if necessary.
3. What is the cost of the International Money Transfers?
Please go to our Services Tariff to know the details of charges related to international transfers.
In international money transfers the intermediary bank and/or the beneficiary bank can deduct their commission and service charges from the original amount of the transaction
4. Can I make money transfers in foreign currencies?
Yes, you can send foreign currency money transfers, which will be subject to current market exchange rate. However, the transfers received to your current account must be in the same currency of your account.
About us
Swift code: BPDOPAPA
Physical Address:
Aquilino de la Guardia Ave. 47E St.
Banco General Tower Floor # 20
P.O. Box 0816-00265
Panamá, Rep. of Panamá
Telephone System: (507)297-4100
Republic of Panamá
Popular Bank
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